01Tim Raphael Limiting ongoing progress!

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Greetings, I'm Tim Raphael, a web developer based in Germany with a genuine passion for translating ideas into code. My journey in the realm of web development started around 2022 when I first landed a job in a rather large full-service Internet agency, which specializes in creating individual websites for small/medium-sized companies.

The digital landscape is dynamic and occasionally challenging, but I thrive on the continuous learning it demands. My focus extends often beyond the immediate task at hand; it encompasses the broader goal of writing aesthetically pleasing and efficient code. Whether itโ€™s updating simple websites or writing complex systems from scratch, I'm here to find joy in the things I do.

Each project I undertake is an opportunity to refine my skills, explore new solutions, and ultimately, make something that I find meaningful.



ASS - Advanced Search System

This is a Rust-based search tool that runs client-side using WebAssembly. This tool keeps it simple yet efficient with its use of Trie and Hash table data structures, ensuring speedy autocomplete suggestions and search result retrievals.

To maintain its reliability, I've included a small test suite. This suite covers various scenarios, ensuring that the tool performs consistently across different situations. So, while it may be small in size, it's functional.

Feel free to visit the repository or play around with the live demo. Your feedback or contributions are always welcome!






  • The Rust Programming Language - Steve Klabnik and Carol Nichols
  • A Common-Sense Guide to Data Structures and Algorithms - Jay Wengrow
  • Clean Code - Robert C. Martin
  • The Clean Coder - Robert C. Martin
  • Clean Architecture - Robert C. Martin


  • Complete linear algebra: theory and implementation in code
  • JavaScript: Understanding ES6 and Beyond - Anthony Alicea
  • JavaScript: Understanding the Weird Parts - Anthony Alicea
  • PHP-Bootcamp: Vom Anfรคnger zum PHP-Entwickler - Jannis Seeman
  • Der ultimative HTML5 und CSS3 Komplettkurs - Ruben Winkler


  • suckerpinch
  • Sebastian Lague
  • Low Level Learning
  • 3Blue1Brown
  • Let's Get Rusty
  • Fireship


  • trying stuff and seeing what works (about 51% of the time)
  • rustlings
  • code challenges
  • reading blogposts, documentation or paper summarys
  • Turing Complete (puzzel game)
  • Workshops (at work)

05About me

Who am I?Tim Raphael

Hey, I'm Tim Raphael, a web enthusiast living in Germany. I've got a fascination for all things tech-related - I can spend hours tweaking stuff just for the fun of it. I can't help but wonder how and why the things around me work.

In addition to my technical pursuits, I find solace in my photography which allows me to convey compelling narratives or just capture a moment if find special. I always embrace the opportunity to explore and share unique perspectives.

I also view physical activity as a vital component of a balanced lifestyle. I appreciate the benefits of maintaining both physical fitness and a somewhat stable state of mental well-being.

Feel free to reach out! I'm always open to connecting, just send me a DM. Looking forward to hearing from you!
